Classical Model of Universe is yet to come up with a cohesive explanation for photon’s behaviour in Two-Slit Experiment. It still is termed as spooky. So, what is Two-Slit Experiment? and what are the various observations that seem spooky? Let us see. The experiment is all about sending a light beam through two slits and observing light’s behaviour.

Not Spooky

If light is streamed through a single slit, it expectedly lights up a single band on the plane of observation. This suggests that light travels in straight line.


Now what happens when light is made to pass through two slits? Assuming light travels in straight line, it should create two bands. WRONG. What you observe is an interference pattern. An alternate pattern of light and shadow. Just the way two water waves combine to form a pattern of crests and troughs.

One slit         – Light Travels as straight line.

Two Slits       – Light travels as a wave.


Still spookier is its behaviour when photons are sent through two slits one after the other. We would assume that pattern will be anything but Interference pattern. WRONG AGAIN. Once enough photons are sent through, each photon is found to follow the same interference pattern as the light beam would have created. As though the photons knew in advance how other photons would have behaved if they were sent as a light beam.


A detector was placed to understand the behaviour of the photon after it passes the two slits. When this detector was switched on the assumption was that each Photon continues to create the interference pattern and we get to see how each photon behaves. WRONG AGAIN. The interference pattern is replaced by just two bands of light. As though light travels in straight line when the detector is switched on. Photons are shy, allergic to spying!


Now leave the detector set up as it is but switch it off. Now we have grown wiser in beating photon. We shall stop guessing! Who knows the photons may not like being predictive. So just observe! Now they have had their way with us, and we have stopped spying them, interference pattern is back again. Light is travelling as though in a wave, when not spied on.

This means light travels in a straight line when being observed but as a wave when not observed. Let us present a Hypothesis based on Spacity and see if it holds water in each of the cases.


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