We based our explanation of Spacity on the premise that it is ‘PUSH’ type of force rather than ‘PULL’ type of force of gravity. Then how does spacity explain the formation of high tides? These tides form right when moon passes over them and seem to be under the influence of moon’s attractive force. If it were to be PUSH type of force, either these high tides would not have formed, or moon would have created a dent on the ocean along its path. Nothing like that is evidenced. Spacity does perfectly explain the high tides and we will see that gravity is not the reason.
Why does ocean water move up? Centrifugal force is ruled out because the effect would then be limited to equatorial area. At best perpendicular to the earth’s axisbut more importantly centrifugal force works even if moon is absent. So, the cause should be capable of moving up the ocean water and following the path of the moon. One possible reason could be pressure difference. But what kind?This is where spacity comes into picture.
Let us revisit the space pressure concept discussed earlier. Absolute Pressure = Gauge Pr. + Atm Pr. + Space Pressure. As enumerated in this equation Absolute Zero Pressure is not pressure in the space. Absolute Zero Pressure is the pressure when there is no space, no energy. In effect, Absolute zero pressure could only be achieved during phase of Nothingness. Space pressure is actually a positive pressure. Space spends energy to maintain this level of pressure all over universe. Space pressure is constant all over the universe except in presence of mass.In the presence of mass, Space is called on to do more work and hence naturally weakened. This is where the pressure drops by a fraction. Let us say if ‘Ps’ is universal space pressure, it is (Ps – Ps) near a mass. Extent of drop is directly proportional to the size of the mass/ system of mass.
Now let us apply this drop of pressure to the Earth and Moon System. The spacity weakens a bit in keeping the moon in its orbit as it has to spend energy. When spacity weakens, there is a drop in space pressure. Thus, there is a constant tube of lower ‘space pressure’ between Earth and Moon. So, a chunk of ocean water is sucked into this tube which we call as High tides. As the moon moves, this tube moves along with it and so do the tides.
During full moon/ new moon the tides are highest because the drop in space pressure is also highest. Space has too much on its hands when Sun, Earth and Moon are in line.
In Classical Model, the attractive force of gravity is attributed to mass. Whereas, in Alternate Model it is Spacity that acts on Mass. Left to themselves mass is happy being themselves. Butthe space around them conspires to bring them together.PULL or PUSH is secondary.
Now let us apply this drop of pressure to the Earth and Moon System. The spacity weakens a bit in keeping the moon in its orbit as it has to spend energy. When spacity weakens, there is a drop in space pressure. Thus, there is a constant tube of lower ‘space pressure’ between Earth and Moon. So, a chunk of ocean water is sucked into this tube which we call as High tides. As the moon moves, this tube moves along with it and so do the tides.
During full moon/ new moon the tides are highest because the drop in space pressure is also highest. Space has too much on its hands when Sun, Earth and Moon are in line.
In Classical Model, the attractive force of gravity is attributed to mass. Whereas, in Alternate Model it is Spacity that acts on Mass. Left to themselves mass is happy being themselves. Butthe space around them conspires to bring them together.PULL or PUSH is secondary.