Since the gravitational force is a force of attraction between two masses, it is intrinsic property of Mass. If that is true, gravity should manifest itself in every form of mass. Be it stars or the quarks. Unfortunately, it does not. It is said that gravity is too weak to manifest itself at quantum level.

Even at Galactic level, where gravity is supposed to makeits grand presence felt, it is found wanting. If it was left to gravity, the peripheral stars of the galaxy should have moved slower. This is because the gravitational force weakens as you go away from its source. But the evidence is to the contrary. The stars on the edge move faster. It needs selective application of DARK MATTER. OK for inner ring of galaxy, NOT OK for planetary systems, spiral arms. Thus, gravity falls flat everywhere.


The spacity being omnipresent, can influence at micro level. It is the Spacity that creates matter and the force that holds mass together.It is in continuum with every particle in the universe.Effect of Spacity at atomic level is evidenced in the two-split experiment. How the interference pattern is maintained even when atoms are sent one by one and why interference pattern disappears moment you try detecting the atom.

Spacity is in sync with the observations of Velocity Curve across the galaxy. Be it inner ring or spiral arm. You don’t need dark matter to hold the galaxy. S2, S3 combine well to hold the galaxy well.

Spacity equally applies to planetary system, allowing them to slow down as they move away from parent star.Thanks to S2 being the primary force. The one that gets affected with distance.

When Space inflated across the universe, space the within the galaxy did not inflate. Space with an intent to drive mass into oblivion intends to keep it closer. It is Spacity that creates a bridge between infinity and nothingness.



Concept of Spacity is in consonance both at Galactic level and Atomic level. The basis for Theory of everything. Spacity addresses a vast range from sub-atomic, atomic, mass, planets, solar system, stars, galaxies, nebulae, Infinity to Nothingness.

Ironic that the relation between Spacity&everything else is one of annihilation, but the elements of universe find solace in this.



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