Birth of Space:

The journey of space starts with Big Bang. As soon as infinite pure energy escapes nothingness, Space is born. Though Space, Energy and Time are basic recipe of Universe, only infinite energy can exist inside nothingness. Energy is the first among equals.

Space and Disruption:

The journey of space starts with Big Bang. As soon as infinite pure energy escapes nothingness, Space is born. Though Space, Energy and Time are basic recipe of Universe, only infinite energy can exist inside nothingness. Energy is the first among equals.

Space and Energy:

Someone who is bearing the burden of all the mass in the universe would surely need energy. Space’s primary mission since birth is to take absolute control of the pure energy and push it back into Nothingness. In this entire process of inflation, expansion and compression, space does need energy for these tasks. In the end of this Galactic Carnot cycle, When Space wins the battle over energy, it is writing its own epitaph. Thus, Space joins Energy in Nothingness.

It is equally important to note that Universe does spend the entire quota of energy during the Galactic Carnot cycle. Then how does it recreate infinite energy in the end? Without condition of infinite temperature and pressure, walls of Nothingness cannot be breached. So, Energy must reach the same point as it was when it all started in big bang. This is where Space does the crucial task of bringing the Universe to zero volume. This will automatically yield infinite pressure and temperature. Good enough condition to gain entrance at gates of nothingness.

Space and Matter:

In this struggle between Energy and Space, some pockets of energy escape space but those pockets of energy are again subjected to space pressure. Idea is to send that escaped quanta of energy back to mother lode. But in this commotion two or more such quanta of escaped energy are brought together. This is when building blocks of matter are born, further action leading to molecules. Every molecule is under the pressure of the space perennially. The molecule fights back and creates its own sphere of energy as evidenced in 2 slit experiment.

It is important to understand that left to itself, space could not cobble up any molecules heavier than Hydrogen. This is possibly because the time lost in getting the building blocks of matter, space has lost valuable energy that would have been sufficient to build heavier metals. They would have to wait till stars are born to elevate themselves up the periodic table.

Construct of Space:

Space has a three-dimensional continuum. This is what gives Space the capacity to hold the universe. This capacity is what we perceive as Space pressure. Space Pressure is a positive pressure. Absence of general matter in space is wrongly attributed as vacuum or absolute zero pressure. It may be true that you do not find matter in space, but since space is in continuum and the fact that matter exists in space leads to positive Space Pressure. This space pressure is not constant across the universe. Higher the density of mass, higher will be the space pressure. Space pressure is decreasing uniformly al across the universe as it is expanding. But there will be a time in future when it will start contracting and the space pressure would increase.

Space & Movement

When stars and planets are born, the space is till acting on these masses to bring them together and annihilate. One can overcome this space pressure by spending energy against it. So, to keep moving inside a space, in any direction one needs to spend energy.

It is possible to pierce through the space, but you need to spend energy. Space will let you go only till the external energy is overcoming space’s innate pressure. Once energy is spent, space starts acting on the mass to bring it back to its original position. That is why a rocket keeps moving till it has energy and that is why a pebble thrown up comes down after spending its energy.

Space Force S1, S2, S3

Space acts on mass in three forms. The first one on 1 unit of mass. This is to annihilate that mass unit. This space pressure S1 is directly proportional to the mass that it is acting on. Next it is the force that is acting on 2 units of masses. This is the force acting to bring them together.  Idea is to make them one and start acting on them as a single unit. S2 is directly proportional to the masses it is acting on and inversely proportional to square of the distances between them. Just like in the case of gravity, except in opposite direction. Third, S3 the force acting on 3 or more masses. This is when the space pressure is trying to bring all the units into one. So, it generally follows the overall or aggregate mass in the reconciled direction between the member units of the system that it is acting on.

Space Continuum:

The space is in continuum all through the universe. Space can communicate instantaneously across universe. The space maintains balance despite the expanding universe. Space acts like a flywheel. Absorbing any imbalance created and transferring it across the universe. We may realize Sun’s vanishing act only 8 minutes later, but its effect on earth’s orbit will be instantaneous. Conversely if a star turns into a blackhole the effect may not be felt as quickly. Because it is still equivalent to weight of parent star. It is only when it starts feeding and grows that it starts making a difference.  Except the ones that bear the immediate shock in the immediate vicinity.

Space and Time

Just like Space, Time too needs energy to exist. It may seem that Space per se does not have any effect on Time. However, in presence of mass it starts having effect. Higher space pressure will slow down time. So, when you are in space where there is no mass nearby, time whizzes by. But when you are near a massive mass like blackhole, time slows down considerably.

If we extrapolate it to Big Bang the concentration of mass reaches infinite proportions, so does the space pressure. So, during the initial stage when universe was born the time was moving slow. As space inflated and lost its density and hence the space pressure the time started moving fast. Thus, we may not be as far away from Big Bang stage as we think we are. The time as we know is only a recent construct. It was moving much slower earlier. With this Hypothesis every moment the time is speeding up because space is expanding, and the space pressure is reducing. After 100 million years, mankind life expectancy would be much lesser. All other things remaining the same.

This is till when the space is expanding. Once the space starts fighting back as in an Ideal Carnot cycle, the time starts slowing down. When the universe reaches the big crunch the density and space pressure reach infinite proportions, stopping the time entirely. This is when space has already won over energy, now it will win over the time also. So, we now have Energy, Time and space all in the bosom of nothingness.

Space Contraction

Piston in a Carnot cycle represents the space in universe. Piston comes back because it is connected to piston rod and crankshaft. The inertia of previous cycle pushes it back. But what makes the space to contract?

How does the universe reverse itself from Point 3 of Carnot cycle? If Point 3 denotes Zero pressure all mass would have disappeared. Mass cannot be terminated entirely. Also, the space needs energy for the return journey from 3-4. So, this may suggest that Pont 3 is not at infinity. It gives us an idea when the space compression starts.

But why should the space contract in the first place? Why can’t the space just keep expanding and the universe end frigid place. There lies the smartness of the idea. Why take so much of trouble creating the universe, to be at it once again when universe reaches its end? Why not build a cyclical universe? Best part being two ingredients. Nothingness and Pure energy. Which would mean just one ingredient, Pure Energy. Set off the chain of reactions once and it will keep repeating its cycle forever. No end in sight. There is no loss of energy or mass as the system is 100% efficient. No loss. Pure Energy starts from Nothingness and comes back to Nothingness.

Space and Nothingness: 

Among the three Energy, Space and Time, only space and time can touch nothingness. In fact, they are always in touch with nothingness all through their existence.  Whereas Energy can never touch Nothingness. Because as energy expands, space is bound to be a step ahead of it. Energy’s interaction with Nothingness is only at the beginning and at the end.

At the end of universe, Space creates the conditions of infinite pressure and infinite temperature. The only condition under which gates to Nothingness open up. You need a Big Bang to come out of Nothingness and a Big Crunch to enter the Nothingness.

Space and Death:

When does Space meet its end? This is when the space contracts back and reaches the point 4 on the PV Diagram. Since the Mass cannot be compressed any further, the contractional inertia takes it to Zero Volume. At this point1 on PV Diagram Infinite temperature and infinite pressure are reached. Good enough to knock the universe into Nothingness. That is when space meets its end. To be born again instantaneously because time too has stopped. Only thing that does not have death or birth is the NOTHINGNESS


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