Now that we have amended CARNOT CYLCE for UNIVERSE it is important to find out where does the space pressure lie. CARNOT CYCLE defines the basic parameters of system. Pressure, Volume and Temperature of an ideal gas as defined by PV=RT.
Just the way KELVIN scale provides the absolute zero temperature as 273 K below the Zero Deg C, a pressure scale also needs to be developed where the Absolute Zero Pressure is indicated. Once we know the absolute zero pressure, we can safely say that space is at X PSI above the absolute zero pressure. The space as we know is not the Absolute Zero Pressure.
Temperature Scale:
Let us understand the temperature scale first. Temperature is a measure of how excited the matter is. Higher the temperature higher the commotion. This would mean that for a matter to be at Abs Zero Temp, it should be standstill. One way to reach this stage is to cool a system to the lowest possible temperature. And as of now that is 0 Kelvin, which is 273 deg/ 273 Kelvin below zero deg c or 460 F below Zero Fahrenheit.
Pressure Scale:
Now let us understand Pressure Scale. Just the way temperature is a measure of the commotion in a system, pressure is a measure of the density. Tightly packed matter has more pressure than sparsely packed matter. This would mean that Absolute Zero Pressure is reached when density reaches zero level. Zero Density is Empty Space. But when universe is emptied to achieve zero density, space itself collapses as it depends on energy to exist. So, it may practically be not possible to reach this stage of Absolute Zero Pressure.
But what is possible is to find the space pressure, this is directly proportion to the density of the universe as of now.Space as an entity is holding up the universe. Space is expanding but universe of the weight is not changing. This means that with an expanding universe, space pressure is reducing. But after 13.8 billion years of continuous expansion the volume of universe should be changing very slowly. Change in Volume or Change in Density will be near zero. This indicates that the space pressure may be reducing but excruciatingly slowly. So, the process 2-3 is not as sharp as shown. It is almost parallel to X Axis. So, wherever we are now on process 2-3, we are not in a hurry to reach point 3 on X Axis. So, whenever we can measure the space pressure, it should stay at that value for a long time. What is heartening is that the space pressure is not Zero. It is above X axis and it has a positive value. We need to find a way to calculate the PSI value of it. But how and when? Whatever and whenever, the space belowis remaining vacant for some time.
This space pressure is an average pressure of the universe. But this space pressure can change locally depending on the mass distribution at that place.