UNIVERSE can be treated as an ideal Heat Engine. This is borne out though application of CARNOT CYCLE to UNIVERSE as a model. But the graph needs some basic corrections.

1-2 At beginning of process 1-2, point 1 is where the BIG BANG occurs. Infinite pressure at Big Bang would indicate that the volume is zero or near zero. Thus, the Point 1 should lie on Y axis where Volume is Zero.
2-3 2 is a point where the pressure is positive, and the universe is naturally driven towards the lower pressure system of Nothingness. But how far does the universe cool down? Space starts to fight back when this expansion reaches it end. So, where does the point 3 lie? Does the point lie on X Axis or just near X axis? The PV=RT nature of gas helps us. At any point on the cycle R should be the same. So, it does mean that point 3 lies on X axis where the temperature and pressure are zero. R1=R2=R3=R4
3-4 Why doesn’t the universe just slip into NOTHINGNESS at point 3? This is because NOTHINGNESS resides at Point 0 and not at Point 3. At point 3 the Pressure and Temperature may be zero, but space is infinite. Thus, Space still cannot breach the walls of nothingness at this stage.
4-1 To breach NOTHINGNESS three conditions are sufficient to exist together. Zero Volume, Infinite Temperature, and Infinite pressure. At 4, the volume may be zero, but it is still not a sufficient condition. This is when Space wins over energy and moves to 1. Where the sufficient conditions are met to breach the walls of NOTHINGNESS.  attains Zero Volume
1-0 Walls of NOTHINGNESS are breached and space drives UNIVERSE into nothingness.
0-1 At NOTHINGNESS time also ceases to exist as it depends on energy. Since Time does not exist, whenever pure energy escapes NOTHINGNESS, it would be as though it was instantaneous. BIG BANG again at point 1.


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