Space inflation:     

It is observed that the light from Galaxies is red shifted. This suggests that Galaxies are moving away from one another leading to expanding universe. It is also observed that despite expanding Universe, the size of the Solar System or Size of Galaxies remains constant. But an expanding Universe would stretch space uniformly. So, all the galactic bodies are held in place against the expanding Space. The force that holds the masses in place is what we refer as Spacity. This is proof enough for positive space pressure. 

Play of Forces in Space:    

We know as a matter of fact that if there is no external force on a mass in a system, it would separate itself from the system. In any rotating system, classical model proposes that there are centripetal forces and centrifugal forces in action. While Centripetal force is acting towards the center, centrifugal force is acting away from the center. The combination of these two forces keep the mass in its orbit.

This is assuming that there is a central influencer because of which the masses are in orbit.If this were true, the stars in Milky way would have flown away eons ago. None of the galaxies would have had stars. The mass ratio between SMBH at the center of the Milky way and stars in the Milky way is more than 1:100,000. SMBH is not capable of keeping a galactic mass that is 100,000 its own size in orbit. Centrifugal force of the stars would have overcome Centripetal force of SMBH many times over and cut themselves loose. But still the Milky way is in motion. What is holding the Galaxy in motion is Spacity. Adding Dark Matter to the galaxy will only hasten the process of stars fleeing galaxy.

This suggests that SMBH is inconsequential to Milky Way. You pluck it out and it would not amount to much. Except for nominal increase in orbital diameters. Similarly, when you pluck the sun off the solar system the planets do not shoot off tangentially, as suggested in classical model of universe. Apart from the Centripetal force and centrifugal force there is a space force that is holding the planets in orbit. The planets still orbit around the imaginary center, except that their orbits would be far bigger in absence of Sun.

So, there are 3 forces that help keep the moving celestial objects in orbit. S1 acting on one unit of Mass. S2 the space force when the masses are two. Third force S3 that acts on system of mass to keep them in orbit. 

Direction of Space Force

Direction of Space Force is decided by the result of the force. It assumes the direction, which makes the masses come together thus increasing the chances of annihilation


Direction of Space Force in case of a stationary mass is immaterial. But if the mass is in motion, space force will act against the direction of motion.


Direction of Space Force in case of two masses will be to bring them together. This acts like a centripetal force.


The direction of Space Force in a moving system of mass is unique. If it were to act against the motion, the masses would wither away. That is why the direction of space force follows the general direction of the system, as that is how it can keep the mass together so that it can act on it to annihilate.


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