Curiosity is integral to study of any subject. Curiosity pricks our conscience and guides us towards truth. In this process finding answers is easy, while asking the right questions is the hard part. Ask the right questions and truth will seek you. One such question was….

  • How does Gravity get the top job of running the universe despite being a weak force?

Scrape the surface and you will have few more jewels.

  • Gravity is a weak force, yet is cause of star’s plasma, planet’s molten core. HOW?
  • What is Gravity? Does gravity exist at all?
  • How are Energy, Space, Time, Matter, Life, Infinity related?
  • How do two planets communicate with third planet?
  • Why do Photons/ Atoms/ electrons behave spookily in Two-Slit Experiment?
  • Could there be a theory that unites both Classical physics and Quantum physics?

How does light Travel? Straight line, Wave or expanding spherical bubble?

Present explanations forwarded by classical model of universe are seen falling short. At best, classical model relies on unknown to explain the unexplainable. Such as Dark Matter, Dark Energy and god particle. At worst, classical model simply brushes away some unknowns as philosophical and hence non-scientific. Such as Infinity, Nothingness, Soul, Existence.At times classical model has comically suggested that Photon behaves spookily in Two-Slit experiment.

To begin with, intention was to find answers to the vagaries of the universe, paradoxes that scientific community was grappling with. However, as we progressitwill becomeclear that classical model needs some serious tweaking. Intention was not to present an alternate model of the universe.But how can you keep doing the same thing and expect a different result?

We now had two basic areas to address. 1) How masses behave &2) How stars form

1) How masses behave? There is no denying the fact that a force exists between two masses. But why should it be one of attraction? Why can’t it be push force instead of pull force? Gravity being a pull force lays the entire responsibility of cause on mass itself. Whereas Push force will relieve the masses from this burden. So, which is that external force acting on the mass? There is nothingbut the two masses, except the space. Exactly!!Why cannot this force be the push force of space. Let us say ‘SPACITY’.

2) How stars form?If gravity being a weak force cannot be the reason for galaxy, star or planet formation, neither can SPACITY. being equal in magnitude both are equally weak. Such a formation needs a violent force. How can ‘hot’ and ‘static’ nebular gases be the cause for a violent force?But isn’t being ionised a sufficient condition to create a violent force? Just like in the case of lightning. An ideal candidateto replace gravity.

In this journey, equally interesting was the yield of unexpected. Such as Galaxy formation, spiral arms, Bars, Ansae, Light travel, Dark Energy, Soul, infinity, nothingness, GalacticCycle, etc.Just the way it was during mythological SAMUDRA MANTHAN. Where good and evil forces encountered unexpected yields during their search for elixir of life.

Two decades ago, I created a folder to store my thoughts related to universe. Little did I know the folder name MANTHAN, would turn out so prophetic.

MANTHAN in Sanskrit means “The Churning”. HAPPY READING…


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