Of all the elements of the universe…Energy, Time and Space are the basic recipe. Energy is the first among equals. Energy is where it all started. Following Energy, Time and Space came into existence simultaneously. Time and Space need Energy to exist.

Space has a construct of its own and needs energy to hold the universe. Time does slowdown in presence of mass. Denser the mass, slower the time travels. This means it takes energy to slow down time. So, you need energy to keep time ticking.

There is an eternal struggle between Energy and Space to achieve superiority. Space’s sole intent is to annihilate Energy. Once space wins over energy, nothingness follows. Nothingness denotes the area outside the Venn diagram. When Space wins the contest with energy, time and space itselfcease to exist as they need energy to exist.


During the struggle between Space and Energy, some quanta of energy separates from motherlode of energy. Space again acts on two or many such escaped quanta creating Matter. Depending on the nature of the escaped quanta various building blocks are formed. Electron, Proton, Neutron, Quartz, Boson etc.

But not all escaped quanta end up being matter. The one that stays in its pure form lays the foundation of Life. Let us call it Soul Quantum. Life takes shape whenever, wherever this “soul quantum” combines with the building blocks of matter. Life does not wait for appropriate conditions of GOLDILOCK Zone Viz., temperature, sunlight, water, amino acids, etc. All it needs is Soul quantum and matter. Thus, extremophiles exist everywhere. Life continues till the substrate sustains the Soul quantum. When the substrate is incapacitated, Soul quantum  leaves in search of another suitable substrate. Cycle of Life & Death.Energy.


Venn diagram implies that Nothingness contains Infinity. Only zero has the capacity to contain Infinity.  In our context Infinity denotes Space/ Energy/ Time, while Zero denotes Nothingness.

When space wins over the contest with energy, phase of nothingness begins. With end of energy neither space can exist nor Time, as both are dependent on Energy.

This is akin to space (INFINITY) driving existence (Energy, Time, Matter & Life) into nothingness (ZERO). So now ZERO (nothingness) is pregnant with INFINITY. Nothingness is holding Infinite energy in its womb. How long does this phase of Nothingness last? When will universe come to life again? In fact, instantaneously. Because time stopped existing. So, whenever INFINITY breaches NOTHINGNESS it will seem instantaneous.


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