Spacity is the force that brings the two masses together by pushing them together. Its magnitude is same as defined by Newton’s equation of gravity but vectorially opposite. Spacity owes its origin to existential struggle between space and Energy/matter. Space is trying to drive Energy/matter into oblivion.


Basic recipe for universe is Energy, Space and Time. Energy being the first among equals. Space is in perennial struggle to drive energyinto oblivion. During this struggle, some quantum of energy escapes the mother lode. Space acts again on this energy and brings two such escaped quantum of energy together to annihilate. Instead this leads to building blocks of matter. Among the escaped quantum of energy some energy stays in its pure form, unaffected by space. That is soul quantum, which when combined with mass leads to life as we know.


Existence is defined by Manthan as sum of Energy, Space, Time, Matter and Life. Existence is akin to a high-pressure system. Whereas nothingness being at zero pressure is the low-pressure system. This pressure difference forces the Existence towards nothingness. This movement from existence to nothingness is perceived by us as expansion of universe. The energy that owes its allegiance to this pressure difference is what we call DARK ENERGY.


The universe expands as long as there is existence. The rate of expansion may vary. After big bang when the universe expanded at a speed faster than the speed of light itself. This expansion stops abruptly when Space wins the struggle with energy. This is when even space and time cease to exist as both depend on energy. This is the stage when Nothingness is pregnant with infinite energy waiting to burst out and start the cycle of universe once again. Energy In fact is released instantaneously since Time has stopped existing. Thus, universe moves from nothingness to nothingness.


Spacity S3 does not depend on distance. It proportional to the mass that it is acting on. This makes the stars travel faster as you move away from center. So, no need to plug in dark matter into the galaxy. There is not selective application to solar system or galaxies.


Spacity is in continuum both at galactic level and at subatomic level.


Light propagates continuously away from source in the form of expanding spherical bubbles. Each layer is independent of its successor and predecessor. This spherical layer has the capacity to repair itself by moving photons along its surface.


Zero is akin to Nothingness and Infinity corresponds to Existence. Thus, universe moves from nothingness to nothingness with space undoing the universe in between.


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