SPACITY not GRAVITY (Theory of Everything)


Why do photons follow the same spectrum-pattern, even when they are streamed one at a time through the two-slit arrangement.


Every speck of mass is fighting off an existential threat from Space. As a result, that speck of mass is propagating continuous energy in every direction. This energy wave sets the path in advance for the photon to follow. When this wave passes through the two slits, it acts as two independent sources and creates trough-crest path to follow. A path of least resistance. Each photon that follows the other has a unique pre-decided path as per the interference pattern of crest and trough. Hence each photon ends up following the same pattern as when the photons were being streamed together.


Gravity manifests itself only at galactic level, gravity too weak to make its presence felt at quantum level.


In the struggle between space and energy small quantum of energy escapes. These quanta of energy can be of myriad forms depending on size, shape, frequency etc. When space acts again on these various quanta with the sole aim of destroying it, in fact creates matter.Thus, spacity bridges the gap between classical physics and quantum physics by manifesting in both.




Why do photons follow the same spectrum-pattern, even when they are streamed one at a time through the two-slit arrangement.


Every speck of mass is fighting off an existential threat from Space. As a result, that speck of mass is propagating continuous energy in every direction. This energy wave sets the path in advance for the photon to follow. When this wave passes through the two slits, it acts as two independent sources and creates trough-crest path to follow. A path of least resistance. Each photon that follows the other has a unique pre-decided path as per the interference pattern of crest and trough. Hence each photon ends up following the same pattern as when the photons were being streamed together.


Photons choose to follow the interference pattern depending on whether they are observed or not.


When detector is switched on, it is creating a wave pattern of its own which is interfering with the energy wave propagated by photon. With the probable paths of photon being boxed in by the detector waves, the photons follow simple pattern. When the detector is switched off the photons create the entire pattern like earlier.




How do Planets influence each other without being connected to the other?


Space is the platform that connects the metronomes in the Grand Tack Experiment. Space is the platform that connects planets in solar system facilitating transfer of information between planets.

Space is the medium that holds all that is there in the universe both on Galactic scale and the Quantum scale. Space is thus the ubiquitous factor across the universe, the omnipotent and omnipresent.


How does a dual mass system react instantaneously when a third mass is introduced?


Since Space is a singular entity it is a single homogeneous entity. Thus, making it possible for two masses in equilibrium to relay information with a third mass instantaneously.

Spacity works both at galactic level as well as atomic level. Thus, bridging the gap between quantum physics and classical physics. Spacity could be the basis of ‘Theory of Everything’.




To what do Matter, and Life owe their existence to?


During the struggle between Space and Energy, some quanta of energy separates from mother energy. Space again acts on two or many such escaped quanta creating Matter. Depending on the nature of the escaped quanta various building blocks are formed. Electron, Proton, Neutron, Quartz, Boson etc. But not all escaped quanta end up being matter. The one that stays in its pure form lays the foundation of Life. Let us call it Soul Quantum. Life takes shape whenever, wherever this “soul quantum” combines with matter. Life does not need sunlight, water, amino acids, temperature etc. to come to fruition. All it needs is Soul quantum and matter. That is why we see extremophiles everywhere.




What is the construct of Existence?


Universe needs three basic parameters to exist. Energy, Space and Time. Energy being the first among the equals. Space and Time need Energy to exist. Space is in permanent contest with Energy to annihilate it. When Space does win the contest, all three basic parameters of universe cease to exist.


How are Existence (Infinity) and Nothingness (Zero) related?


When space wins over the contest with energy, nothingness begins. This is akin to existence (Infinity) being driven into nothingness (ZERO). So now ZERO (nothingness) is pregnant with INFINITY. Nothingness is holding Infinite energy in its womb. Waiting to burst out. Instantaneously.


What is Dark Energy


Positive pressure existence is driven towards negative pressure Nothingness due to existing pressure difference, till an equilibrium is struck. This energy that moves the universe towards nothingness is the Dark Energy.

Universe INFLATED at astronomical speeds due to infinite pressure difference. So long as the Universe exists, the pressure difference is maintained, and Universe keeps expanding. Only when space wins the contest with energy an equilibrium between Existence and Nothingness is struck, does the universe stop expanding.


What is Dark Matter


The nature of spacity allows it to act in different ways. It allows it to slow down planets as you go away from the sun because S2 is the overarching force in a solar system. This is because Sun is the principal mass in a solar system with planets accounting for only 0.1% of the solar system mass. A ratio of 1:1000

Whereas, in a galaxy the stars surrounding the galaxy outweigh the supermassive blackhole. 100,000:1. Thus S3, the force acting on the swarm of stars in a galaxybecomes the overarching force. S3 being directly proportional to the mass it is acting on, increases as you go away from the center of the galaxy. As you go away, the number of stars and their collective mass increases.

Thus, MANTHAN does not need a Dark matter to reconcile the speeding stars on the periphery of galaxy. As it is, Dark matter is selectively applied to Galaxy only. Star system being a part of galaxy, cannot remain unaffected from Dark matter. If rightly applied to solar system, dark matter will speed up the planets too. And that would be contrary to the evidence. Dark Matter is not applied spiral arm where the speeds the curve flattens. Whereas S2,S3 explain it right.




Gravity brings the hot gas particles of the Nebula together to form plasma core of star. How can a weak force like Gravity be the reason for generating a highly violent, supremely hot plasma core in a star?What is Dark Matter


Gas in the Nebula is hot and ionised. Positively ionised particles tend to discharge their charge towards negatively ionised particles. This forces the particles to move along this path of discharge. This has a cascading effect, thus kickstarting the Galaxy & Star formation. This swirling hot mass attains astronomical temperature leading to hot plasma/ molten core. Gravity being aweak force, cannot create such violent forces.

The most dominant force creates an axis of its own, that guides all the matter to circle around that axis. The straighter the arc of this force, larger the size of the Galaxy/ Star/Planet/ Moon. Single dominant axis forms spiral galaxy, while many axes will lead to cluster galaxy. Majority of Stars/ planets/ Moons have the same axis of their parent Galaxy/ star system. But some of them like Sun in Milk way and Neptune in solar system may have their own axis.




Does Light travel in a straight line or as a wave or both? Or something else?


Light instead, travels as an ever-expanding bubble travelling away from the source. The spherical bubble has a strength of its own which dwindles as it moves away from its source. As though layer of bubble has its own thickness. Source of light transmits continuously one spherical bubble after the other.

When this bubble experiences an obstruction, there is a momentary tear in the bubble layer which is repaired after surpassing this obstruction. This layer repair is facilitated by photons surrounding the tear, moving along the surface of the layer.

When this bubble hits a surface it is bounced off as though the surface becomes new source of light.


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