Let us study if the alternate model of universe is able to account for the concept of DARK MATTER better than classical model. Let us understand what DARK MATTER is as per Classical Model.

The construct of the universe is largely based on two constituents. Star systems and Galaxies. As per scientific reasoning it is important to find a common cause that is universal. A cause that can be applied to both Solar system and Galaxies.

Classical model says that common universal cause is Gravity. So, if gravity is what makes the solar system behave in a way, then gravity should also be the reason for Galaxy’s behaviour. Unfortunately, gravity fails to do so. 

Concept of gravity fits well with the working of the planets in a solar system. The planets slow down as they move away from parent star. This is owing to gravity being inversely proportional to square of distance. Perfectly alright.

But what is good for goose should be good for galaxy also. Unfortunately, not. Stars in the galaxy seem to be orbiting faster than the stars near the center of the galaxy. Exactly opposite to the way planets behave in a solar system.

To reconcile this anomaly, classical model introduces DARK MATTER.  As per Classical model, there is more to Galaxy than is seen. Though Galaxy looks like a loosely held mass of orbiting stars, instead it behaves like a tightly bound cohesive disc. That is possible only if there is more mass to the galaxy’s construct than what is seen. So that unseen mass which makes galaxy behave like a solid disc is termed as DARK MATTER. A matter that cannot be seen, felt or measured.Matter that is dark. Very dark. So, the name, DARK MATTER.


By its own volition, classical model should apply DARK MATTER to solar system also. But strangely,it is applied only to Galaxy selectively. What is good for goose should be good for planets also. If DARK MATTER can speed up stars in a galaxy, then it should speed up planets also. Evidence is to the contrary.

Worse is that DARK MATTER is not applied to Galaxy in totality. It is applied only to stars in the inner ring. Evidence in the Velocity Curve shows that stars in the spiral arms are not speeding up as distance increases. In fact, they are seen to be orbiting at constant speed irrespective of their radial distance.

What Classical Model fails to realise is that this anomaly of gravity is irreconcilable. Because gravity does not exist. Thanks to gravity Classical Model ties itself in knots again and again.



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