HUBBLE observed that each fudgy starin the night sky, was a galaxy by itself. Redshifted light from these Galaxies suggested all of them moving away from each other. Thus, possibly originating from a single point in the past. A point that was infinitely bright and hot. BIG BANG. It was believed that the force originating from BIG BANG will be taken over by gravity and the universe will be slow down. It was expected to be slowing down when this observation was being made. However, evidence was to the contrary. Every Galaxy was accelerating. Universe was expanding at a higher rate. Acceleration is possible only with energy. But this energy cannot be seen, measured, or accounted for. Hence, DARK ENERGY.

Now let us bring in MANTHAN Model. Universe needs three basic parameters to exist. Energy, Space and Time. Energy being the first among the equals. Space and Time need Energy to exist. Space is in permanent contest with Energy to annihilate it. When Space does win the contest, all three basic parameters of universe cease to exist.This phase is the phase of nothingness.


On one side we have Existence characterised by Energy, Space, Time, Matter & Life. On the other side we have Nothingness. If the existence can be considered as positive pressure system, then Nothingness can be a No Pressure System or an Absolute Zero Pressure system. Basically, a Negative Pressure system.

It is natural for the positive pressure system to be driven towards negative pressure system till an equilibrium is struck. This makes the universe move from high pressure existence to no pressure nothingness. And this energyis something that can neither be seen nor measured. In other words, DARK ENERGY. This is the energy that is making the universe hurtle through the space at astronomical speed towards nothingness.

At the time of BIG BANG, the universe expanded astronomically rapidly because of the infinite pressure difference between Existence and Nothingness. Also known as INFLATION. The universe will always be expanding till such time as it exists. However, the rate of expansion will slow down over millions of years. So long as the Universe exists, the pressure difference is maintained, and Universe keeps expanding.

Expansion is reversed only when space starts fighting back and wins the contest with energy. Only NOTHINGNESS remains with infinite energy in its womb. Waiting to burst out, instantaneously.

This may suggest existence within a blackhole. But the primary difference being that NOTHINGNESS allows universe to existin its form and shape, while BLACKHOLE shreds it.


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