Desert & Seabed

It is said that deserts were formed by exposure to harsh weather over millions of years. Harsh winds and temperature at best can kick up a storm over million years. But it is just not possible to pulverise the entire topography to fine sand and remove any vestige of life and minerals. This pulverisation is evidenced up to considerable depths.

You need heavy load to pulverise Earth’s mantle to such depth. Another peculiar thing about this heavy load is it has to weed out every chance of plant life. Which other earthly force other than Seawater has this quality? Sea at its bottom is heavy load and at that depth no plant life can survive such salty conditions.Fortunately, Sea has been dumb enough to leave the evidence of crime on the crime site. Sand Dunes. Who else but sea can create such art?

Finely manicured deserts surfaced when seas moved. This could be because of tectonic plate movement, draining of seas, evaporation due to harsh weather or a combination of all. Many seabed of present era would resemble desert land scape. If the seabed has fresh plant life and soil bed, it can be safely assumed that the ocean is young.

Origins of Water

Is water native to Earth or alien? It is hard to imagine water being native to earth given the fact that earth’s origin had its genesis in molten core. It is surmised that water was brought to earth by icy asteroids and meteorites. But the heat generated on impact would have evaporated whatever water cargo they brought. It could as well be that earth came across an icy planet which when neared earthturned into water blob. This also may have eliminated chances of heavy impact and the surface tension would have made all the water creep up on earth’s surface.

How do we conclusively prove water is alien to earth? Every planet has suffered asteroid impacts since genesis. So too Earth. If, however earth has deep sea craters, it would conclusively prove that water is alien to earth. If water were native, the asteroids could not have created huge craters on the deep seabed. If you find a crater on deep ocean bed, it will mean water is alien to earth. Only problem is that many million years of sea water attrition may have washed away the evidence. But we do not need to find them all, just a few is sufficient to prove.


Search for Alien Life

Let us assume there is Alien life elsewhere in the universe. But where exactly do we search for them? It would have been wonderful if Aliens landed at one of our airports and presented themselves at the immigration. Till that happens, our scientists keep the watch through their hunt of exoplanets. These are then bracketed into those falling in GOLDILOCK Zones. Safe for Life.

But looking at the vastness of the universe and the tedious nature it is a long-drawn job. Is there any we way they could be assisted in this?

Study of Gender Ratio could be one such area.Cconsiderany region of the world, any country, any province, any district, or any community one thing that is strangely consistent is Gender Ratio. There are as many men out there as women.  Roughly.

Left to themselves, humans do not have any control over the sex determination. So, it is nature which seeks, creates, and maintains this balance. Probably it is true for all species on earth. Even when man-made disasters skew or distort the gender ratio, nature restores the balance in the blink of any eye.

This shows that life is interconnected. Life has an in-built system to communicate. It not only transmits appropriate information across the world instantaneously, but also influences action. Life balances itself. Why should we assume the communication of life is limited to our world only? May be life is communicating across universe. Crack this communication and you have the Alien life map of the universe in front of you. 

This study falls under social science and we may already have valuable information to work on. Maybe it is easier to work with species that are on the brink of extinction.


If blackholes were spherical in shape, it would have sucked in matter from every point on the spherical surface. Then the accretion would not be limited to disc only but to the entire spherical surface. The blackhole then would have looked like any other star. Lit from all sides. It would have looked black only when it has finished its meal. However, we know that it is not so. The matter is seen falling from side on only. The central part is black. So Blackholes are disc shaped or at best doughnut shaped. 

Blackholes are classified by their weight in terms of sun’s mass. So, the matter that is devoured by blackhole has not disappeared. It still is part of this universe. Only way to pack in in such small size is by rearranging the mass into pure energy. Thus, Blackhole issimilar tothe bosom of nothingness where the pure energy is struggling to escape. But is it?



Galaxy Selfie



Due to the large size of the milky way, there is no way we can look at ourselves and say for certain what is the size, shape, and contour of the milky way.  How we wish we could take a selfie of our galaxy? Sure, Milky Way would love to see itself in a mirror occasionally. A galactic mirror would help! Or are there flat frozen slabs with smooth surface that can act like mirror? Maybe an ice shelf in space.

Stop Earth

How would the earth that is hurtling in space were to be abruptly stopped? All life as we seewill be thrown eastwards. Sea water from the western half would rush towards eastern half. May be escape the grip of earth and form an umbrella in the space, creating a circular curtain of water, which in a day will be frozen and fall back to earth. Or maybe the entire mantle on eastern hemisphere would collapse into molten core. All we would have is a flat disc of molten core that will cool off in time.

Space Travel

As of today Space travel is limited to solar system and its backyard. Is it possible to travel from one edge of the universe to another edge instantaneously and safely? Possible if you consider Space as one entity. All you need to do is manipulate space itself. Change the X.Y.Z coordinates and you can transfer yourself from one corner of the universe to another corner instantaneously. No hassle of wormholes, speed of light, Fuel limitations, transportation etc. Just change the coordinates of where you are. You can in an instant traverse the entire universe and then parameters like infinity, edge of universe, origin of universe, big bang etc are within your reach. No need to bend, cut, tear or curl space. But how do we do that.


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