CLASSICAL MODEL OF UNIVERSE                                                                           


Primarily there are four forces that govern the universe. Electro-magnetic Force, Strong Nuclear Force, Weak Nuclear Force and Gravitational Force. Of these, gravitational force is the weakest force.


The universe originated from an extremely hot infinitesimally small point. The space expanded at a speed faster than the speed of light itself, thus forming a horizon for the visible universe.Universe eventually may either wither away or fall back into a crunch with gravity winning over the expansion forces.


God particle is portrayed to be the most basic building block of matter. Lighter molecules like Hydrogen were formed at the beginning of universe. Heavier and complex matters were formed during the formation of star. Stars form and die in various forms and many a time, the reason to seed future stars. Classical model does not recognise soul as a basis for existence of life. Life can manifest in extreme conditions.


The universe has been expanding as evidenced in red shifting of every galaxy observed in the sky. The underlying force that is causing the universe to expand is attributed to Dark Energy. An energy that cannot be seen, felt or measured. Hence Dark.


Gravity is the glue that holds the universe. Gravity is the force between two masses, governed by Newton’s equation. Gravity is the reason how nebular gases coalesced to form galaxies, star systems, planets, and moon. Space and Time are interlinked and form a fabric that gives birth to gravity.


Stars in the periphery of galaxy should have travelled slower as gravity weakens due to increased distance from center of the galaxy. Evidence to the contrary is attributed to Dark Matter. Thus,Galaxy be is made to behave almost like a solid disc. So, there should be more matter that holds the galaxy together. A matter that cannot be seen, felt or measured. Hence Dark.


Gravity is too weak to manifest itself at the quantum level. Subatomic mechanics are governed by Quantum science.Classical model is still struggling to come up with a common unifying theory that can reconcile gravity and quantum mechanics


Jury is still out on whether Light travels in a straight line or as a wave or a combination of both. Photon’s behaviour in Two-Slit Experiment is still in realms of spookiness.


Classical Model treats Nothingness and Infinity more as philosophy than science.


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