Astronomy has been an interesting subject of our times. Much researched and written about. But still Universe remains a mystery. Through MANTHAN I present an alternate model of Universe that unravels those mysteries.

The Radical Hypothesis presents solution to mysteries across Subatomic and Galactic levels. Be it, Photon’s behaviour in Double-Slit Experiment, Two-Mass Body Problem, dichotomy of Velocity Curve in Galaxies, Formation of Spiral Arms, Bars and Ansae, Et al. All demystified.

It could probable be the foundation for theory of everything. All based on the simple premise of ditching Gravity all together.

MANTHAN goes a step ahead and addresses Nothingness, Infinity and Galactic Cycle. All within the realms of classical physics. MANTHAN also presents a right perspective for Dark Energy, Dark Matter, Black Holes and a New way for Light propagation.